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Stop gardening the hard way!...

"You Can Create A
‘Better’ Garden And
Choose All Your Plants Perfectly…Without Needing
A Horticultural Degree"

Welcome to Better Gardens - Organic!

At Better Gardens - Organic, we advocate the principles of Permaculture. Permaculture is an ethical design system. It’s a way of acting responsibly, caring for each other and the earth.
Permaculture is finding creative solutions to living a more sustainable life. It’s as relevant to a suburban home garden as it is to an acreage in the country or a large commercial farm.

The problems facing modern society need a practical approach. That approach includes growing local organic food, reducing energy consumption, recycling our wastes and creating habitat for other life around us.

Think globally, act locally!

Every part of the permaculture designed garden has many functions and they’re all interrelated. The peas you plant will not only provide you with food, but also nitrogen for your soil, shade for other plants and fodder for your chickens!
Once an organic permaculture garden is fully established, you won’t need to do anything but add mulch, plant, water and harvest the fruit, vegetables and herbs when they ripen.

One of the most delightful things

about a garden

is the anticipation it provides.
W.E. Johns

In ‘Better Gardens - Organic’ you will find many gardening tips on:-

  • Planning a sustainable landscape design,
  • Constructing your garden,
  • Selecting suitable plants,
  • Caring for your organic permaculture garden,
  • Building raised beds in your organic garden,
  • Enjoying the fruits of your labor (using your herbs, fruit and vegetables)
  • An infographic guide to hydroponic gardening.

Your ‘Better Garden - Organic’ will be a place where you can have a profound feeling of inner peace, satisfaction and the anticipation of an even ‘Better Garden - Organic’ next year!

To learn more about gardening, organic gardening, horticulture, and permaculture design browse through these Interesting Articles.

Find out about –  

  • Organic Gardening,
  • Growing Vegetables,
  • Landscaping
  • and much more!

If you have any questions
email our

Sustainable Design Consultant


Garden Ornaments

If your garden is your paradise and the best to relax and meditate - long hours of hard work weeding, potting, use of garden ornaments and accessories and planting turn into a place where peace reigns supreme.







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